Why buy Koraluxi photos?

Investing in works of art is considered a prudent and safe investment, as works of art are durable assets that increase in value over time.

By investing in the purchase of works of art, you are helping to preserve and promote contemporary art. You help artists develop their talents and creative ideas. This contributes to enriching and diversifying our vision of the world, adding a touch of originality, fantasy and freedom!


PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is an asymmetric encryption algorithm. Created by Phil Zimmermann in 1991.


Is it a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?

No. The image is authenticated but not linked to a blockchain.
If you want to make it an NFT, you can.

Can I resell the image?

Yes. You can do what you like with it. It's your image.
No need to go through us.

What is the purpose of the requested e-mail address?

The e-mail address is only used to send you a link to download the images after purchase.
The e-mail address is then deleted from our servers.

How long are images available for download?

They are available for 7 days.
After this time, images are deleted from our servers, so that you are the sole owner of these images.
It is therefore imperative that you download them before the end of this deadline.

Can I modify or resize the image?

Yes, but in this case the signature will no longer be valid.
As a result, the image will no longer be recognized as valid.
